Home Miguel Lahoz Geneology Rafael Lahoz, Sr. Clan Jose Lahoz, Sr. Clan
Gaudencio Lahoz, Sr. Clan Carmen Lahoz - Jaramillo Clan Lahoz Family History - The Beginnings The Lahoz Brothers - Philippine - American War
Historical Basis and Books Collaboration by Gaudencio J. Lahoz, Jr. Ancestry of Filomena del Carmen de Villafuerte Contact Webmaster



The Children of Maria Carmen V. Lahoz (1886 - 1964) (78 years old) married to Marcelino T. Jaramillo (1888 - 1935) (46 years old) (4 children)

  1. Jose (Cheng) L. Jaramillo (1915 - 1999) (83 years old)
  2. Juanita (Aning) L. Jaramillo (1919 - 2010) (91 years old)
  3. Romeo (Roming) L. Jaramillo (1921 - 1951) (29 years old)
  4. Ernesto (Erning) L. Jaramillo (born 1926 - 1999) (73 years old)


The Children of Jose (Cheng) L. Jaramillo, (1915 - 1999) (83 years old) married to Cesarea (Saling) Ruiz,(1915 - 2002), (87 years old) (4 children)
  1. Marcelino Jose (Lin) R. Jaramillo, (1937)
  2. Carmencita Erlinda Paz (Chit) R. Jaramillo, (1944)
  3. Joseline (Josie) R. Jaramillo, (1952)
  4. Czarina (Cherie) R. Jaramillo, (1956)

The Child of Juanita L. Jaramillo (1919 - 2010) (91 years old) married to Simplicio Taasan born 1925
  1. Francis J. Taasan, (born 1961)

The Children of Ernesto (Erning) L. Jaramillo, (1926 - 1999) (73 years old) married to Urbana Fabico (1913 - 1977) (64 years old) (3 children)
  1. Amelia F. Jaramillo, (born 1957 twin sister)
  2. Emely F. Jaramillo, (born 1957 twin sister)
  3. Gerardo F. Jaramillo, (born 1958)


The Children of Marcelino Jose (Lin) R. Jaramillo born 1937 married to Consuelo Rabago (2 children)
  1. Samuel R. Jaramillo, (born 1958)
  2. Mischell R. Jaramillo, (born 1960)

The Children of Marcelino Jose (Lin) R. Jaramillo born 1937 married to Norma Lazaro born 1934 (2 children)
  1. Norylin Josefa L. Jaramillo, (1969 - 2000) (31 years old)
  2. Lizette Vivian L. Jaramillo, (1975 - 1987) (11 years old)

Marcelino Jose (Lin) R. Jaramillo born 1937 married to Eileen Cioe of Rhode Island

The Children of Carmencita Erlinda Paz (Chit) R. Jaramillo born 1944 married to Jose Ballecer (3 children)

  1. Pia J. Ballecer
  2. Jocelyn Anne J. Ballecer
  3. Jose J. Ballecer, Jr.

Joseline (Josie) R. Jaramillo born 1952 married to Terry Savage

Czarina (Cherie) R. Jaramillo born 1956 married to Kenneth Gordon

The child of Amelia F. Jaramillo, born 1957

  1. Kim Jaramillo, (born 1979)

The family of Emely F. Jaramillo, born 1957, married to Vicente Yap of Leyte

  1. Yvette J. Yap, (born 1989)

The family of Gerardo (Gerry) F. Jaramillo, born 1958, married on 04/15/89 to Cely C. Rotia (2 children)

  1. Katrina (Trina) R. Jaramillo, (born 1989)
  2. Kristina (Tin-tin) R. Jaramillo, (born 1992)


The family of Samuel R. Jaramillo, born 1958, married to Vivianne Rabanal of Vigan

The family of Mischell R. Jaramillo, born 1960, married to Carolyn L. Domingo of Laoag City (2 children)

  1. Michael Angelo D. Jaramillo, (born 1994)
  2. Mark Joseph D. Jaramillo, (born 1997)
  3. Marvin Dominic D. Jaramillo, (born 2002)

The family of Norylin Josefa L. Jaramillo, 1969 - 2000 (31 years old), married to Gino Crisologo (1 child)

  1. James Christopher J. Crisologo

Home Miguel Lahoz Geneology Rafael Lahoz, Sr. Clan Jose Lahoz, Sr. Clan
Gaudencio Lahoz, Sr. Clan Carmen Lahoz - Jaramillo Clan Lahoz Family History - The Beginnings The Lahoz Brothers - Philippine - American War
Historical Basis and Books Collaboration by Gaudencio J. Lahoz, Jr. Ancestry of Filomena del Carmen de Villafuerte Contact Webmaster